travail Ghana
Newsletter April-June

Newsletter April-June

CEPAL: América Latina y el Caribe tiene el desafío de transitar desde la inserción laboral a la inclusión laboral; Labour saving benefits from ten-in-seven milking; Simplifier la distribution du concentré ;Des modes de pâturage qui font gagner du temps; Osez le salariat en élevage ovins; Congrès de l'EAAE Rennes 2023 ; Sexta Circular del 16o Congreso Nacional de Estudios del Trabajo; PRAZO PRORROGADO; Ragusa SHWA. The 6th International Conference on Safety, Health and Welfare in Agriculture and Agro - food Systems



  • CEPAL: América Latina y el Caribe tiene el desafío de transitar desde la inserción laboral a la inclusión laboral
  • Labour saving benefits from ten-in-seven milking
  • Simplifier la distribution du concentré
  • Des modes de pâturage qui font gagner du temps
  • New farm safety measure to cover partial cost of quad bike helmets and PTO shaft covers
  • Proyecto Nueva Ruralidad CEPAL-FIDA
  • Approaches to reduce farm labour demand
  • Minister Heydon launches new National Farm Safety Measure
  • Cattle and machinery are often involved when accidents occur in agriculture
  • Farm plans will build on years of hard work by farmers - Horrell
  • Rural Africans are finding work beyond their farms
  • International Labour Conference adopts new apprenticeship standard, among other key decisions
  • LIVE World of Work Summit: Social justice for all
  • Child labor in agriculture
  • Accueillir un salarié sur sa ferme : une idée qui peut devenir réalité !
  • News list | FAO Child labour in agriculture | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
  • AstravOvin : Alléger le travail d’astreinte en élevage ovin lait et ovin viande dans le Massif central
  • Opportunity for greater flexibility on dairy farms
  • To bring social justice to all we must end child labour
  • There is no social justice without decent work for domestic workers
  • German researchers want to work on eco-friendly agriculture in Pakistan
  • Workshop "Contributions of international migration to sustainable development" - Jamaica
  • Oser le salariat en élevage ovin
  • From Farm to Fork: Embracing the Wholesomeness of Organic Pasta Market – Elevating Taste and Well-being
  • Experts agree new guidelines to promote decent work in the agri-food sector
  • La CEPAL invita al lanzamiento del libro “Brechas de género en las cadenas globales de valor en América Latina y el Caribe: nuevos y viejos retos en un escenario de incertidumbre”
  • Safety during silage season
  • Examining the collaborative farming options
  • Le parage dans de bonnes conditions : Notions de posture et d’ergonomie dans le métier de pédicure bovins
  • Eleveur de ruminants : L’attractivité du métier en question - Dossiers techniques de l'élevage n°7
  • Diminuer le travail d’astreinte en élevages ovins viande et lait
  • ILO calls for strengthened partnerships to promote decent work for youth in rural Africa
  • New Brief: Empowering Women in Agriculture – The Role of the WEAI in Bangladesh


  • Osez le salariat en élevage ovins
  • Congrès de l'EAAE Rennes 2023 
  • Sexta Circular del 16o Congreso Nacional de Estudios del Trabajo
  • 2e conférence des métiers et des compétences : les enjeux emplois de la transition écologique
  • IV Atividade Virtual dos GT’s ocorrerá dia 06 de julho
  • La inclusión laboral será el tema principal del Tercer Seminario Regional de Desarrollo Social organizado por la CEPAL
  • Permettre aux partenaires sociaux de mieux s’emparer de la violence et du harcèlement au travail
  • Quinta Circular del 16o Congreso Nacional de Estudios del Trabajo
  • Transformations des conditions de travail et de santé dans les exploitations entamant une transition agro- écologique
  • Gagner du temps en élevage ovins lait
  • Cuarta Circular 16o Congreso Nacional de Estudios del Trabajo
  • 17èmes journées de recherche en sciences sociales INRAE, SFER, CIRAD > Campus Agro Paris-Saclay, 14 et 15 décembre 2023
  • Boletín ASET Mayo 2023
  • Inscreva-se para o 10° Encontro da Rede de Estudos Rurais Com descontos até o dia 12 de maio
  • IARM 2023. International Association of Rural Health and Medicine (IARM) Congress
  • ISASH 2023
  • Congrès Self 2023 : ouverture des inscriptions

Call for Papers

  • PRAZO PRORROGADO: Submissões de trabalhos até o dia 02 de julho de 2023
  • Appel à soumission avant le 30 avril 2024 : L’intelligence artificielle dans les organisations
  • Convocatoria revista Estudios del Trabajo
  • Ragusa SHWA. The 6th International Conference on Safety, Health and Welfare in Agriculture and Agro - food Systems
  • Estão abertas as submissões de trabalhos para os GT’s do 10o encontro


  • “Who does what” for active labour market policies
  • Labour relations and working conditions of workers on smallholder cocoa farms in Ghana
  • Measuring Mental Health Service Preferences Amongst Illinois Dairy Producers
  • A Cross-Sectional Study of Farmer Health and Wellbeing in Norway: The HUNT Study (2017-2019)
  • Risks & Protective Factors for Depression & Suicide Among Hawai‘i Agricultural Producers
  • A qualitative assessment of farmer director skills in agricultural cooperatives
  • Reseña de Marcel Van der Linden (2019) Trabajadores y trabajadoras del mundo. Ensayos para una historia global del trabajo
  • El suicidio en el trabajo o la paradoja de Durkheim
  • Valuing business impacts in the areas of wage inequality and employee well-being
  • A Narrative Review of Fatigue in Agriculture and Its Impact on Injury and Fatality in Australia
  • Examining rural income and employment in Bangladesh: A case of structural changes in the rural nonfarm sector in a developing country
  • Challenges and opportunities to advance decent work in five countries and supply chains: A synthesis report
  • Subvertir la division sexuelle du travail agricole via les techniques
  • Obstructive Lung Disease Linked to Occupational Exposures in Malawian Tobacco Farmers
  • Infografía. Análisis sociodemográfico asociado a la ruralidad en los corregimientos de Panamá. Población ocupada
  • Shifting Categories of Work. Unsettling the Ways We Think about Jobs, Labor and Activities
  • Supply Chains for a Sustainable Future of Work
  • Migrant farmworkers: Resisting and organising before, during and after COVID‐19
  • Adivasi migrant labour and agrarian capitalism in southern India
  • Seaweed aquaculture through the lens of gender: Participation, roles, pay and empowerment in Bantayan, Philippines
  • Élevage de ruminants : vers une pénurie de main-d’œuvre ?
  • Lanzamiento libro "Desigualdades, inclusión laboral y futuro del trabajo en América Latina"
  • Dairy Farm Work and Protection from Gastrointestinal Illness
  • Farmer satisfaction and short food supply chains
  • As if you were hiring a new employee: on pig veterinarians’ perceptions of professional roles and relationships in the context of smart sensing technologies in pig husbandry in the Netherlands and Germany
  • Fishermen’s competitiveness and labour market performance: Evidence from shrimpers in Bangladesh
  • Beyond farming women: queering gender, work and family farms
  • Occupational Bioaerosol Exposures Associated with Poultry Farming
  • [Artículo] ¿Hacia dónde va el trabajo? Apuntes sobre la clase obrera global / Gastón Gutiérrez Rossi y Paula Varela
  • Une approche globale pour mieux comprendre Participer à la science : l’enjeu de les situations de travail en agriculture
  • Comment on “Does direct farm marketing fulfill its promises? analyzing job satisfaction among direct‐market farmers in Canada”
  • Inserting machines, displacing people: how automation imaginaries for agriculture promise ‘liberation’ from the industrialized farm
  • Anxiety and Associated Stressors Among Farm Women in England and Wales
  • The aging of farmers and its challenges for labor-intensive agriculture in China: A perspective on farmland transfer plans for farmers' retirement
  • On-Farm Health Screening Needs of Immigrant Dairy Workers in the Texas Panhandle and South Plains
  • Working Paper 40: Employment options and challenges for rural households in Malawi
  • Pesticide Take-Home Pathways, Storage, and Application Methods Among Hmong Farmers in Central Valley, California

Modification date: 24 November 2023 | Publication date: 07 September 2023 | By: Priscila Malanski