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2024 - Newsletter

2024 - Newsletter

The IAWA Newsletter contains several subjects regarding work in agriculture:
- The latest news from blogs and magazines
- Call for papers for scientific journals and congress
- Congress and other scientific event announcement
- The latest scientific publications
-Reports from international bodies as ILO, FAO, OECD, among others

In this folder

travail Ghana
- Further consideration of working conditions is needed in farm resilience assessment - Using State Agency Reports to Augment Ohio’s Agricultural Injury Surveillance Efforts - Does Small-Scale Irrigation Affect Women’s Time Allocation? Insights from Ethiopia - Mixed-Methods Assessment of Farmworkers’ Perceptions of Workplace Compliance with Worker Protection Standards and Implications for Risk Perceptions and Protective Behaviors - Innovation for whom? The case of women in cattle farming in Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia - Being a woman with the “skills of a man”: negotiating gender in the 21st century US Corn Belt
travail Ghana
Call for Papers - Desafios da Ergonomia no Mundo Contemporâneo - Travail, syndicalisme et action collective en Afrique - 18th Congress of the European Society for Agronomy
tracteur vietnam
Call for Papers: - AECR International Conference: Call for Papers - Revue PISTES : appel à textes - 3R Dernière ligne droite pour déposer votre proposition de communication orale ! - Revista Notas de Población de la CEPAL invita a la presentación de artículos sobre demografía, población y desarrollo, y políticas públicas
Récolte du riz en Thaïlande. WEBER Jean,  Médiathèque INRA
- Le corps et la gestion des risques dans l’activité collective, - The socio-economic performance of agroecology. A review - [Capítulo] A crise do trabalho como crise da reprodução social: Notas sobre como repensar as fontes do poder da classe trabalhadora no capitalismo pós-covid / Paula Varela - Precarious Work and Housing for Michigan Farmworkers During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond - Workplace Sexual Harassment in Waged Agricultural Employment: A Literature Review - Why and how to conduct a Scoping Review - Forms of work: An overview of the new statistical standards
tracteur vietnam
News - Quelles politiques publiques de demain pour et avec les jeunes des territoires ruraux ? - Sustainable Transition of the Rural Economy Through Generational Renewal - Structures of Consumption and Professional Identity: An Analysis of the French Household Budget Survey - Does off-farm work induce farmland abandonment? Evidence from China - Changing land and labour relations on cocoa farms in Sefwi, Ghana: Continuity and change Congress - 57th South African Society for Agricultural Extension Annual Conference - Quelles politiques publiques de demain pour et avec les jeunes des territoires ruraux ? Publications - Measuring the quality of a match
travail Ghana
News - Watch: Farm construction and work at height video released - Safety during Busy Times on the Farm - Measures for Advancing Gender Equality (MAGNET) Website - Tackling gender inequality in a climate-changed world Congress - Replay webinaire "VICTOR – Viandes et Circuits Courts : zoom sur la dimension travail" - 8ème édition des Rencontres des Études Africaines en France Call for Papers - Alas 2024 Publications - [Artículo] Heterogeneidad y vulnerabilidad del empleo agrario en la Argentina. Un análisis de clúster - Rural healthcare workforce preparation, response, and work during the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia
travail Ghana
News - Deux étudiantes mettent en relation jeunes et agriculteurs pour du travail : "l'humain et la transparence sont au coeur de notre projet" - i2Connect Summer School on Becoming an Interactive Innovation Support Advisor successfully held in Ireland - Transformer les agricultures, le défi du financement (Episode 1) - Look after your health: Are you fit to farm? - Méthode et outils d'accompagnement pour optimiser son organisation du travail en s'appuyant sur le collectif - The hidden dangers of working outdoors - ‘For every accident there can be about 10 near misses’ - Top Ten Reads: Accelerating African Women’s Leadership in Climate Action - Teagasc supports Farm Safety Week 2024 - Farm Diversification and Innovation - What are your Options? - Agriculture is becoming increasingly complex: Improved advice can be part of the solution - Restitution de l’étude ” Développer une offre de formation adaptée aux agriculteurs des Hauts-de-France : éclairages et bonnes pratiques à destination des acteurs de l’emploi et de la formation “ - Le recours aux travailleurs immigrés dans l’agriculture italienne - Le temps des paysans : une série documentaire de Stan Neumann - UM grows partnerships for sustainable agriculture in Africa - Contractors losing up to 20% of time due to stones and wires - Positive mental health guidance for the farming community - Labour savings showcased at Teagasc/Aurivo Joint Programme walk - Promoting the rights of migrants as workers
- Perte du repos le dimanche pour les ouvriers agricoles ramassant à la main dans les champs - Sans papiers mais pas sans travail en replay - Lancement du cahier des charges “Management des exploitations viticoles” en Champagne-Ardenne - Déclic travail - The heat equation .... Publications - There and Back Again: Dynamics of Temporary Labour Migration, Insights from Rural India - Women’s Work in Livestock Raising: Evidence from Time Use Surveys in India - The impact of labor force aging on agricultural total factor productivity of farmers in China: implications for food sustainability
travail Ghana
News: [Replay] Méthodes et outils d'accompagnement pour optimiser son organisation du travail en s'appuyant sur le collectif; 66ᵃ Reunión de la Mesa Directiva de la Conferencia Regional sobre la Mujer de América Latina y el Caribe; Training on Applying the Women’s Empowerment in Agrifood Governance (WEAGov) tool; Closing the Gender Gap in African Food Systems: Pathways to Transformation; [SPACE 2024] Femmes en Elevage : Les spécificités de l'accès et de l'exercice des métiers de l'élevage au féminin Publications: - The Health and Well-Being of Women in Farming: A Systematic Scoping Review - Rendering smallholders social: Taking a social relations approach to understanding the persistence of smallholders in the rural Global South - The effects of board gender quotas: A meta-analysis - Work-life balance on a farm with young children in Slovenia - Depression, Anxiety, and Coping Strategies Among Farmworkers Exposed to Substance Use at Work - Aimer son travail nuit-il à la santé ?

Modification date: 31 January 2024 | Publication date: 31 January 2024 | By: Priscila Malanski