

1,3 billion people are working in agriculture. They are men and women; versatile or specialized workers; family workers or employees. Work organization forms are rather diverse, with family, cooperative or industrial styles… These diversities are strongly affected by both structural and technical changes, market dynamic and public policies through their implications on agricultural development models which more or less include specific work organization and skills.) Thinking about the future of work in agriculture and its evolution require a combination of different views on work (rural employment, work organization, health and working conditions, professional identities); and an analysis of what drivers that are impacting the work models (chain pressures, territorial opportunities, national strategies etc…).. Various scientific communities deal with those aspects on work, but in a fragmented way. This was clearly revealed during the first International Symposium on Work in Agriculture, held in 2016 at the State University of Maringá (UEM), Brazil (Malanski et al. 2018). Our aim is to promote exchanges between scientific communities and bring them together to build an interdisciplinary framework based on different views to analyse work in agriculture at a territorial level.

The workshop gathers searchers who share the goals of the IAWA and want to contribute to interdisciplinary and multi-perspective approaches of work through discussions and collective productions. One moment of the workshop will be devoted to the discussion of a map of the scientific communities concerned by the work in agriculture. Another moment of the workshop will be devoted to the building of a framework that aims to give a multifacet diagnosis on work in agriculture at the territorial level (local development level), diagnosis that can to contribute to Development schemes or discussions of scenarios for the future.  The workshop will be a first step of exchanges on that framework and of a test in a territory nearby Maringa, where several agricultural activities co-exist (dairy, silk, lentils). We’ll have to evaluate at the end of the workshop, what will be the next steps to validate or solidify our workshop in order to publish it as an IAWA collective and innovative output.

Members of the Steering Committee and worldwide invite researchers, professors and agricultural advisors to participate.

Round Tables

Round table 1 - Elements for the description of work at the territorial level (employment; employees; working styles and professional identities)

Round table  2 -  The drivers of change: from past to future (Farm models ;  rural development schemes; market; innovations)

Round table 3 - The conditions for a sustainable work in the future (Social inclusion in territories; collective action within territories; empowerment of actors; new extension methodologies)

Take a look in the announcement video of the international invited speakers!

Modification date: 04 March 2019 | Publication date: 04 March 2019 | By: Priscila Malanski