News about research on work in France

What's new on work in agriculture in France on December 2023

A series of webinars and exchanges on agricultural work are being held in December in France. participate or watch the replay

December 6 : The Centre d'études de l'emploi et du travail (CEET) and the Centre de recherche sur l'expérience, l'âge et les populations au travail (CREAPT) are organizing a meeting to discuss the book "what do we know about work". Working conditions, job quality, managerial and organizational choices, health and the meaning of work: what is the reality of work in France? These are some of the themes analyzed in the book

December, 15: Webinar "Meaning of work and positioning of livestock farmers in the face of societal expectations" for a better understanding of how breeders see their profession, the satisfactions they derive from it, the difficulties they encounter and their attitude to change. This webinar is organised by the project Entr'ACTES (CasDar 2023-2026)

December 19: The GIS Avenir Elevages, with the support of the RMT "Work in agriculture, is organizing a webinar to exchange ideas on the specificities of women in livestock farming.

February 6, 2024: The day PNDAR - CasDar - Improving working conditions in agriculture: enhancing the attractiveness of professions
in Paris and by videoconference, organized by GIS relance agronomique with the support of the french Ministry of agriculture

Publication date : 05 December 2023 | Redactor : Isabelle Avelange