
travail Ghana

02 October 2024

By: Isabelle Avelange

Newsletter September

News: [Replay] Méthodes et outils d'accompagnement pour optimiser son organisation du travail en s'appuyant sur le collectif; 66ᵃ Reunión de la Mesa Directiva de la Conferencia Regional sobre la Mujer de América Latina y el Caribe; Training on Applying the Women’s Empowerment in Agrifood Governance (WEAGov) tool; Closing the Gender Gap in African Food Systems: Pathways to Transformation; [SPACE 2024] Femmes en Elevage : Les spécificités de l'accès et de l'exercice des métiers de l'élevage au féminin Publications: - The Health and Well-Being of Women in Farming: A Systematic Scoping Review - Rendering smallholders social: Taking a social relations approach to understanding the persistence of smallholders in the rural Global South - The effects of board gender quotas: A meta-analysis - Work-life balance on a farm with young children in Slovenia - Depression, Anxiety, and Coping Strategies Among Farmworkers Exposed to Substance Use at Work - Aimer son travail nuit-il à la santé ?

18 September 2024

By: Priscila Malanski, Isabelle Avelange

Newsletter August

- Perte du repos le dimanche pour les ouvriers agricoles ramassant à la main dans les champs - Sans papiers mais pas sans travail en replay - Lancement du cahier des charges “Management des exploitations viticoles” en Champagne-Ardenne - Déclic travail - The heat equation .... Publications - There and Back Again: Dynamics of Temporary Labour Migration, Insights from Rural India - Women’s Work in Livestock Raising: Evidence from Time Use Surveys in India - The impact of labor force aging on agricultural total factor productivity of farmers in China: implications for food sustainability
SafeHabitus - Child Safety- September 11th 2024

11 September 2024


SafeHabitus Engage Webinar "Reducing injuries and fatalities to children on farms: The Significance of Childcare"

This webinar addresses the critical issue of child safety on farms, exploring the complex factors contributing to both fatal and non fatal injuries among children in agricultural settings. September 11th, 2024, 15:00 CET
travail Ghana

07 August 2024

By: Priscila Malanski; Isabelle Avelange

Newsletter July 2024

News - Deux étudiantes mettent en relation jeunes et agriculteurs pour du travail : "l'humain et la transparence sont au coeur de notre projet" - i2Connect Summer School on Becoming an Interactive Innovation Support Advisor successfully held in Ireland - Transformer les agricultures, le défi du financement (Episode 1) - Look after your health: Are you fit to farm? - Méthode et outils d'accompagnement pour optimiser son organisation du travail en s'appuyant sur le collectif - The hidden dangers of working outdoors - ‘For every accident there can be about 10 near misses’ - Top Ten Reads: Accelerating African Women’s Leadership in Climate Action - Teagasc supports Farm Safety Week 2024 - Farm Diversification and Innovation - What are your Options? - Agriculture is becoming increasingly complex: Improved advice can be part of the solution - Restitution de l’étude ” Développer une offre de formation adaptée aux agriculteurs des Hauts-de-France : éclairages et bonnes pratiques à destination des acteurs de l’emploi et de la formation “ - Le recours aux travailleurs immigrés dans l’agriculture italienne - Le temps des paysans : une série documentaire de Stan Neumann - UM grows partnerships for sustainable agriculture in Africa - Contractors losing up to 20% of time due to stones and wires - Positive mental health guidance for the farming community - Labour savings showcased at Teagasc/Aurivo Joint Programme walk - Promoting the rights of migrants as workers

05 December 2024


SAVE THE DATE! What about work and employment in agriculture in Africa?

SAVE THE DATE! Webinar "What about work and employment in agriculture in Africa?" December 5, 2024 11 am - 2 pm CET (UTC +1) with simultaneous translation into French, English, BR Portuguese and Spanish.

05 September 2024

visio conference

2024 IAWA General Assembly

The International Association on Work in Agriculture - IAWA’s board invites you to attend the next IAWA General Assembly September 5, 2024 12 am – 2 pm CEST (Paris) with visio conference. This general assembly will allow you to: • review the previous activities 2022 - 2024; • discuss the 2024 – 2025 scheduled ones; • renew the board composition. Registration to participate to the GA is compulsory before September 2nd. Connexion codes will be available one day before the meeting.
tracteur vietnam

04 July 2024

By: Priscila Malanski

Newsletter May

News - Quelles politiques publiques de demain pour et avec les jeunes des territoires ruraux ? - Sustainable Transition of the Rural Economy Through Generational Renewal - Structures of Consumption and Professional Identity: An Analysis of the French Household Budget Survey - Does off-farm work induce farmland abandonment? Evidence from China - Changing land and labour relations on cocoa farms in Sefwi, Ghana: Continuity and change Congress - 57th South African Society for Agricultural Extension Annual Conference - Quelles politiques publiques de demain pour et avec les jeunes des territoires ruraux ? Publications - Measuring the quality of a match
travail Ghana

04 July 2024

By: Priscila Malanski

Newsletter June

News - Watch: Farm construction and work at height video released - Safety during Busy Times on the Farm - Measures for Advancing Gender Equality (MAGNET) Website - Tackling gender inequality in a climate-changed world Congress - Replay webinaire "VICTOR – Viandes et Circuits Courts : zoom sur la dimension travail" - 8ème édition des Rencontres des Études Africaines en France Call for Papers - Alas 2024 Publications - [Artículo] Heterogeneidad y vulnerabilidad del empleo agrario en la Argentina. Un análisis de clúster - Rural healthcare workforce preparation, response, and work during the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia
event From 06 Nov. 2024 to 07 Nov. 2024

Maison internationale des langues et des cultures à Lyon 7

Colloque Transition écologique et genre : quelles transformations du travail ?

L’Anact et le groupe de recherche et d'intervention "Genre Activité Santé" vous proposent deux journées d’études, en présentiel ou en distanciel, les 6 et 7 novembre à la Maison internationale des langues et des cultures à Lyon 7.
Récolte du riz en Thaïlande. WEBER Jean,  Médiathèque INRA

29 May 2024

By: Priscila Malanski

Newsletter April

- Le corps et la gestion des risques dans l’activité collective, - The socio-economic performance of agroecology. A review - [Capítulo] A crise do trabalho como crise da reprodução social: Notas sobre como repensar as fontes do poder da classe trabalhadora no capitalismo pós-covid / Paula Varela - Precarious Work and Housing for Michigan Farmworkers During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond - Workplace Sexual Harassment in Waged Agricultural Employment: A Literature Review - Why and how to conduct a Scoping Review - Forms of work: An overview of the new statistical standards
tracteur vietnam

06 May 2024

By: Priscila Malanski

Newsletter March

Call for Papers: - AECR International Conference: Call for Papers - Revue PISTES : appel à textes - 3R Dernière ligne droite pour déposer votre proposition de communication orale ! - Revista Notas de Población de la CEPAL invita a la presentación de artículos sobre demografía, población y desarrollo, y políticas públicas
travail Ghana

13 March 2024

By: Priscila Malanski

Newsletter February

Call for Papers - Desafios da Ergonomia no Mundo Contemporâneo - Travail, syndicalisme et action collective en Afrique - 18th Congress of the European Society for Agronomy
travail Ghana

01 February 2024

By: Priscila Malanski

Newsletter January

- Further consideration of working conditions is needed in farm resilience assessment - Using State Agency Reports to Augment Ohio’s Agricultural Injury Surveillance Efforts - Does Small-Scale Irrigation Affect Women’s Time Allocation? Insights from Ethiopia - Mixed-Methods Assessment of Farmworkers’ Perceptions of Workplace Compliance with Worker Protection Standards and Implications for Risk Perceptions and Protective Behaviors - Innovation for whom? The case of women in cattle farming in Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia - Being a woman with the “skills of a man”: negotiating gender in the 21st century US Corn Belt

20 December 2023

By: Isabelle Avelange

Work in Agriculture and food issues

Foued Cheriet, in the Systèmes alimentaires / Food systems journal brings together the views of Nathalie Hostiou, INRAE, and Bruno Dorin, Cirad/Cired, in the field of work in agriculture to shed light on the debate, by reviewing the main developments and specific features of work in Agriculture, and then analyzing how these issues relate to the major economic and social challenges facing countries in the North and South.

05 December 2023

By: Isabelle Avelange

What's new on work in agriculture in France on December 2023

A series of webinars and exchanges on agricultural work are being held in December in France. participate or watch the replay

05 December 2023

Hybrid session Geneva and Zoom

1st Youth Employment Research Forum

The ILO forum brings together researcher to tackle the dynamics of youth employment and its supporting policy framework. Registration is open
travail Ghana

05 October 2023

By: Priscila Malanski

Newsletter July-September

Organic Dairying - A conversion experience - EU and UN agencies join forces to address root causes of child labour - « Ce sont les femmes qui savent » - Why Gender-Responsive Policies are Critical Drivers of Equitable Agri-Food Systems - International Labour Organization promotes safety and health in coffee supply chain - ILO Director-General welcomes BRICS commitment to ensuring decent work, dignity and respect for all - Pour ou contre un GIEC dédié à « Une seule santé » ? - Argentina, con el acompañamiento de IICA, presentó en el Foro Público de la OMC en Ginebra la innovación bio-digital en su agricultura

14 November 2023


Watch the webinar 2023 “Safeguarding the health and safety of children in agriculture”

Leveraging a recent special issue in Frontiers in Public Health, the IAWA association and the National Children’s Center for Agricultural Health and Safety (NCCRAHS) out of the United States, sheds light on the health and safety of children in agriculture in Northern and Southern countries with an emphasis on family farm systems and supports the development of a network of scholars and practitioners working on these topics.
tracteur vietnam

24 November 2023

By: Priscila Malanski

Newsletter February - Mars

- Vulnérabilité des travailleurs européens - Ensure decent work for key workers - Reducing labour requirement on your sheep farm - ICOH 2024 – Enhancing Occupational Health Research and Practices - Conference for Agricultural Worker Health - One Welfare : dialogue entre l’éthologie et l’ergonomie - Special Issue in Food Policy: Transforming Global Agri-Food Value Chains

14 September 2023

By: I avelange

Webinar 2023 Safeguarding the health and safety of children in agriculture

Register for upcoming webinar “Safeguarding the health and safety of children in agriculture” November 14th 2023 2 pm – 4.30 pm. CET

08 August 2023

By: Isabelle Avelange

Report and Synthesis of the Webinar Transformations in food systems and agrifood value chains: How do work and employment come into play?

After the keynote speakers’ presentations, the participants answered 3 questions on mind map, (i) What are the most interesting aspects of the presentations; (2) What is missing?; (3) What are the needs for future research?. We report here the main contributions.
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