travail Ghana

Newsletter January

Newsletter January

- Further consideration of working conditions is needed in farm resilience assessment - Using State Agency Reports to Augment Ohio’s Agricultural Injury Surveillance Efforts - Does Small-Scale Irrigation Affect Women’s Time Allocation? Insights from Ethiopia - Mixed-Methods Assessment of Farmworkers’ Perceptions of Workplace Compliance with Worker Protection Standards and Implications for Risk Perceptions and Protective Behaviors - Innovation for whom? The case of women in cattle farming in Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia - Being a woman with the “skills of a man”: negotiating gender in the 21st century US Corn Belt



IAWA Newsletter 2024/01

-  Farmers urged to prioritise safety at calving

-  Workers and the climate challenge

-  CAPSAgri – Renforcer les compétences pour mieux accueillir et pérenniser le salariat en production agricole

-  Global Coalition for Social Justice attracts 100 partners, including governments, employers’ and workers’ organizations and NGOs

-  Nicolas Roux - « L’agriculture tient aussi grâce à ses salariés »

-  Con cambios veloces en el mercado laboral, ECOSOC de la ONU realizará una reunión en Santiago para avanzar en el futuro del trabajo digno para todos y todas

-  Women Farmers Quantitatively Linked to Better Community Well-Being

-  ILO SCORE programme makes strides in Jordan's agri-food sector

-  Burnout in the barnyard

-  Beyond Pesticides: Advocating for Health Justice on Martin Luther King Day 2024

-  Une nouvelle enquête montre que la santé mentale des travailleurs européens est de plus en plus menacée

-  Global unemployment rate set to increase in 2024 while growing social inequalities raise concerns, says ILO report

-  CEPAL y OIT: bajo crecimiento económico de la región afectó el dinamismo de los mercados laborales durante 2023

-  Challenges for the JAE: Thoughts from the new editor

-  How some farmers are achieving an average 8 hour working day on farm

-  Contributions to Policy Research in Support of the Reform and Recovery Process


-  2 février 2024 Salle 30, -1, 20 - Journée d’étude de l’Axe Travail du LISE

-  [Replay R4D] Le lean management en élevage laitier

-  [Replay] Webinaire "Le label EquuRES Bien-être au Travail, un outil pour répondre aux problématiques

d’emploi dans la filière équine"

-  Genre, émotions et animalité

-  Webinaire : Travail en circuits courts, à la recherche d’un équilibre

-  Congrès IEA 2024 : appel à sessions spéciales

-  Migrations internationales privilégiées

-  Evènement VIVEA Sud le 8 février 2024 : Les formations en Ressources Humaines

Call for Papers

-  Colloque de la SFER - 6 et 7 juin 2024

-  Appel à communications : conférence ModACT

-  Appel à Communications 17ème colloque de l’AGESCO

-  Appel à contributions revue Ergonomics : extension de la date de soumission


-  Further consideration of working conditions is needed in farm resilience assessment

-  Using State Agency Reports to Augment Ohio’s Agricultural Injury Surveillance Efforts

-  Does Small-Scale Irrigation Affect Women’s Time Allocation? Insights from Ethiopia

-  Mixed-Methods Assessment of Farmworkers’ Perceptions of Workplace Compliance with Worker Protection Standards and Implications for Risk Perceptions and Protective Behaviors

-  Innovation for whom? The case of women in cattle farming in Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia

-  Being a woman with the “skills of a man”: negotiating gender in the 21st century US Corn Belt

-  A dynamic, stochastic, Bayesian, provincial input–output model for the South African economy

-  Changes in Human Motor Behavior during the Familiarization with a Soft Back-Support Occupational Exoskeleton

-  The essential work of feeding others: connecting food labor in public and private spaces

-  Does Non-Farm Employment Promote Farmland Abandonment of Resettled Households? Evidence from Shaanxi, China

-  Agricultural Injury Surveillance in the United States and Canada: A Systematic Literature Review

-  Male Farm and Agricultural Worker Suicides in Kansas, 2016-2020

-  The role of hired labour on technical efficiency in an expanding dairy sector: The case of Ireland

-  The green transformation and gender equality in agricultural entrepreneurship: Insights from the European Union

-  Tractor Injuries in the Upper Midwestern United States: a retrospective analysis of four trauma centers

-  Gender and the Preservation of Family Farming in IrelandGeschlechterrollen und die Erhaltung von

Familienbetrieben in IrlandGenre et préservation de l'agriculture familiale en Irlande

-  The Importance of the Back‐office for Farm Advisory ServicesL’importance des activités de ‘back‐office’ dans les systèmes de conseil à l’agricultureDie Bedeutung des Back Office für die Agrarberatung

-  Occupational Injuries and Health Status Among Rural Tribal Non-Traditional Fishing Communities in the Coastal Region of Tamil Nadu, India

-  Role of the neo-rural phenomenon and the new peasantry in agroecological transitions: a literature review

-  Data Driven Identification of Injury Risk Factors During Expansion on Irish Dairy Farms

-  El trabajo en la actividad forestal del nordeste de la provincia de Entre Ríos

-  Prospectiva para el desarrollo

-  Les Cinq sens au travail

-  Le cahier numérique de Trame sur la Qualité de Vie au Travail

-  Entre la place que l’on prend et celle qu’on nous laisse : partage genré des tâches en ostréiculture

-  Localização E A Concentração Do Emprego Agrícola Na Grande Fronteira Do Mercosul

-  Diferenças Salariais Entre Imigrantes Internacionais E Brasileiros No Mercado De Trabalho Formal Do Agronegócio No Brasil

-  A Transformação Da Identidade: Alterações Do Trabalho No Meio Rural E Seus Impactos Na Identidade Profissional Do Pequeno Produtor Rural

-  Agricultura Do Futuro: Mudanças Tecnológicas E Organizacionais E Seus Reflexos No Mercado De Trabalho No Meio Rural

-  Chemical, ecological, other? Identifying weed management typologies within industrialized cropping systems in Georgia (U.S.)

-  Assessing the potential of ICT to increase land and labour productivity in agriculture: Global and regional perspectives

-  The financial well-being of fruit farmers in Chile and Tunisia depends more on social and geographical factors than on climate change

-  ILO to release latest World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2024

-  Urban Farming: From Discovery to Knowledge in the EEBI Chair

Modification date : 01 February 2024 | Publication date : 31 January 2024 | Redactor : Priscila Malanski