International Association on Work in Agriculture


Welcome to the International Association on Work in Agriculture!


The IAWA - International Association on Agricultural Work - brings together the research and development community studying agricultural work around the world, with the aim of crossing disciplinary and thematic entries. The aim is to understand, analyze and compare the realities of work and workers in agriculture and to reflect on the future of work.  

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05 December 2024


SAVE THE DATE! What about work and employment in agriculture in Africa?

SAVE THE DATE! Webinar "What about work and employment in agriculture in Africa?" December 5, 2024 11 am - 2 pm CET (UTC +1) with simultaneous translation into French, English, BR Portuguese and Spanish.
travail Ghana

02 October 2024

By: Isabelle Avelange

Newsletter September

News: [Replay] Méthodes et outils d'accompagnement pour optimiser son organisation du travail en s'appuyant sur le collectif; 66ᵃ Reunión de la Mesa Directiva de la Conferencia Regional sobre la Mujer de América Latina y el Caribe; Training on Applying the Women’s Empowerment in Agrifood Governance (WEAGov) tool; Closing the Gender Gap in African Food Systems: Pathways to Transformation; [SPACE 2024] Femmes en Elevage : Les spécificités de l'accès et de l'exercice des métiers de l'élevage au féminin Publications: - The Health and Well-Being of Women in Farming: A Systematic Scoping Review - Rendering smallholders social: Taking a social relations approach to understanding the persistence of smallholders in the rural Global South - The effects of board gender quotas: A meta-analysis - Work-life balance on a farm with young children in Slovenia - Depression, Anxiety, and Coping Strategies Among Farmworkers Exposed to Substance Use at Work - Aimer son travail nuit-il à la santé ?
From 06 Nov. 2024 to 07 Nov. 2024

Maison internationale des langues et des cultures à Lyon 7

Colloque Transition écologique et genre : quelles transformations du travail ?

L’Anact et le groupe de recherche et d'intervention "Genre Activité Santé" vous proposent deux journées d’études, en présentiel ou en distanciel, les 6 et 7 novembre à la Maison internationale des langues et des cultures à Lyon 7.

05 September 2024

visio conference

2024 IAWA General Assembly

The International Association on Work in Agriculture - IAWA’s board invites you to attend the next IAWA General Assembly September 5, 2024 12 am – 2 pm CEST (Paris) with visio conference. This general assembly will allow you to: • review the previous activities 2022 - 2024; • discuss the 2024 – 2025 scheduled ones; • renew the board composition. Registration to participate to the GA is compulsory before September 2nd. Connexion codes will be available one day before the meeting.
- Perte du repos le dimanche pour les ouvriers agricoles ramassant à la main dans les champs - Sans papiers mais pas sans travail en replay - Lancement du cahier des charges “Management des exploitations viticoles” en Champagne-Ardenne - Déclic travail - The heat equation .... Publications - There and Back Again: Dynamics of Temporary Labour Migration, Insights from Rural India - Women’s Work in Livestock Raising: Evidence from Time Use Surveys in India - The impact of labor force aging on agricultural total factor productivity of farmers in China: implications for food sustainability

In a flash

Journal of Rural Studies

18 September 2024

By: Isabelle Avelange

Elaborating decent work for agriculture: Job experiences and workforce retention in the Australian orchard industry

This new article, the fruit of the work of some members of the IAWA association, is published in Journal of rural studies. It is a contribution to examine the utiliy of the decent work concept as it relates to the problem of workforce retention. it addresses this using a case study of waged workers' experiences of their jobs in the perennial horticulture (orchard) sector in one region of the Australian state of Victoria, focusing on permanent employees (that is, waged workers engaged in more than seasonal or temporary work)

23 May 2023

By: Priscila Malanski

Decent Employment and the Future of Agriculture. How Dominant Narratives Prevent Addressing Structural Issues

Special issue from Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems coordinated by IAWA members

23 May 2023

By: Priscila Malanski

Neither Corporate, Nor Family: The Indian “Patronal” Farm

Special issue from Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems coordinated by IAWA members

23 May 2023

By: Priscila Malanski

The Multiple Influences on the Future of Work in Agriculture: Global Perspectives

Special issue from Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems coordinated by IAWA members

23 May 2023

By: Priscila Malanski

An intensive and collective style of farm work that enables the agroecological transition. A case study of six French farm machinery cooperatives

Special issue from Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems coordinated by IAWA members