travail Ghana
Newsletter July-September

Newsletter July-September

Organic Dairying - A conversion experience - EU and UN agencies join forces to address root causes of child labour - « Ce sont les femmes qui savent » - Why Gender-Responsive Policies are Critical Drivers of Equitable Agri-Food Systems - International Labour Organization promotes safety and health in coffee supply chain - ILO Director-General welcomes BRICS commitment to ensuring decent work, dignity and respect for all- Pour ou contre un GIEC dédié à « Une seule santé » ? - Argentina, con el acompañamiento de IICA, presentó en el Foro Público de la OMC en Ginebra la innovación bio-digital en su agricultura




  • Organic Dairying - A conversion experience
  • EU and UN agencies join forces to address root causes of child labour
  •  « Ce sont les femmes qui savent »
  • Why Gender-Responsive Policies are Critical Drivers of Equitable Agri-Food Systems
  • International Labour Organization promotes safety and health in coffee supply chain
  • ILO Director-General welcomes BRICS commitment to ensuring decent work, dignity and respect for all
  • Pour ou contre un GIEC dédié à « Une seule santé » ?
  • Argentina, con el acompañamiento de IICA, presentó en el Foro Público de la OMC en Ginebra la innovación bio-digital en su agricultura
  • Career Fellowship Supports Ethiopian Women to Enhance Agri-food Policies
  • CEPAL presenta Portal de desigualdades en América Latina
  • Sowing the Seeds of Mental Health in Ohio’s Agricultural Community: New Alliance Launches Anonymous Survey to Address Farmer Stress
  • Significant farmer demand to host apprentices
  • Good handling units cut the workload and enhance safety
  • Dairy farmers select their top five time savers
  • Women in Agribusiness Value Chains
  • Research into long-term impacts of regenerative agriculture
  • Conferencia Ministerial de Agricultura de las Américas 2023: los ministros de la región debatirán en el IICA los temas más urgentes de la agenda vinculada a seguridad alimentaria y sostenibilidad del agro
  • ILO welcomes US-Brazil global initiative on decent work
  • Farming can work so much better for the planet - York Dispatch
  • Programme to support farmer health and wellbeing expanded
  • NGO Launches New Strategy to Empower Women in Agricultural Institutions
  • Why Bridging Gender Gap in Food Systems is Important
  • Stakeholders Call for Gender Inclusive Agriculture Policies
  • Making African Food Systems Gender-Responsive for Equitable Livelihoods
  • Des agnelles plus calmes à la première traite grâce à l'apprentissage
  • Milking 10 times per week - could it work for you?
  • Rural and urban labour markets: Different challenges for promoting decent work
  • The culture of mental health in agriculture
  • Supporting farmers to take immediate farm safety actions
  • Chamada pública para seleção de experiências promotoras de sistemas agroalimentares saudáveis, sustentáveis e justos
  • Las mujeres rurales son clave para la construcción de una sociedad del cuidado, plantea la CEPAL
  • Contre l’agrobusiness, la mobilisation exemplaire des femmes brésiliennes
  • AR4D Funding Opportunities for Africa – September 2023
  • Non-farm employment hikes in US
  • Agriculture : intégrer le genre dans l’irrigation au Sahel
  • The impact of digital presence and use of information technology on business performance of veterinary practices: a case study of Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • [TECH-OVIN 2023] Simplifier la distribution du concentré
  • Does female off-farm employment affect fertility desire? Evidence from rural China
  • A Million Acres and Growing: Certifying a Holistic Approach to Regenerative Agriculture
  • Data is critical tool as farmers fight drought in Kenya
  • Future Proofing Farming for Youth
  • Farmers and farmworkers taking less holiday, survey shows
  • Man in NW China's Xinjiang devoted to developing agricultural machinery to help make farm work more efficient
  • 113 degrees at work, failing AC at home: Farm workers can’t escape life-threatening heat
  • FAO kicks off capacity building aimed at a strengthened agricultural data landscape in Cambodia
  • Agricultural mechanisation and gendered labour activities across sectors: Micro-evidence from multi-country farm household data
  • Simultaneous Decisions to Undertake Off-Farm Work and Straw Return: The Role of Cognitive Ability
  • Major international farm safety and farmer health conference to be held in Ireland
  • Public and Private Sectors Need to Work Together to Accelerate Sustainable Agriculture
  • Des repères de temps de travail en élevages ovins du Massif central
  • Reset the milking timetable to prioritise family time and a better lifestyle
  • Labor, farming subsidies and pesticide bans dominate Tuberville-Pate Farm Bill forum
  • Diminuer la fréquence de distribution des aliments
  • Female farm workers often victims of sexual violence; researchers want legal working age raised, other steps
  • The effects of the EU Fit for 55 package on labour markets and the demand for skills
  • La CEPALC et le ministère des Affaires Sociales et du Travail d’Haïti lancent une plateforme virtuelle de formation sur la protection sociale
  • Sexual violence is a pervasive threat for female farm workers – here's how the US could reduce their risk
  • The best practises for farm safety
  • Mental health survey reveals factors affecting young farmers
  • Farm of the Future Women’s Day
  • TAMS III Farm Safety Capital Investment Scheme: Sheep Handling Equipment
  • Maximising the effective operation of automatic washers for milking equipment
  • Relief milking - more than just holiday cover
  • Be a Farm Safety Hero
  • ILO calls on G20 for international solidarity to close the global decent work divide
  • New partnership to promote decent work across food systems
  • Phu Tho: digital transformation in agriculture – key to breakthrough
  • Farm Safety week - Livestock handling
  • Infografía: Nuevas narrativas para una transformación rural en América Latina y el Caribe
  • Farm Safety Week Focus: ATV Safety
  • Se connaître mutuellement pour promouvoir les formations Efficacité et bien-être au travail en Limousin
  • Alsace et Lorraine – Anticiper pour préparer et réussir la transmission de son exploitation
  • New Publication: The Role of Land Inheritance in Youth Migration and Employment Choices: Evidence from Rural Nigeria
  • Think safety when moving bales
  • Ask your Teagasc Advisor about Farm Health and Safety
  • Inclure le genre dans les politiques agricoles
  • ILO supports Indonesia’s joint labour inspection in the fishing sector to prevent forced labour at sea
  • Becoming the 50-hour farmer - reducing workload on dairy farms
  • Work Organisation for Farmer Health & Safety Video Launched
  • Forest work must be made safer and healthier, says new FAO-ILO-UNECE report



  • Health and Safety of children in agriculture
  • Renforcer les compétences pour mieux accueillir et pérenniser le salariat en production agricole
  • Segundo encuentro “Futuro del Trabajo: transformaciones recientes en las relaciones laborales”
  • The labour-environment nexus: Exploring new frontiers in labour law
  • Expert meeting shows that glyphosate is not safe for health and environment
  • 12ème édition des Entretiens Agronomiques Oliviers de Serres
  • Negative effect of pesticide exposure for farmers and farm workers
  • ETUI Massive Open Online Course: ‘Acquiring skills for labour and environmental justice’
  • Registration Now Open for 2023 CFVGA Produce Labor Conference On Dec. 14
  • Travail en circuits courts: à la recherche d'un équilibre
  • XIX Jornada de Ergonomia da POLI-USP: Ergonomia e os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS)
  • Boletín ASET SEPTIEMBRE 2023
  • Séminaire de restitution TRAC (Travailler en circuits courts)
  • SOBER NORTE anuncia o 4o Simpósio da Região Norte: Explorando a Economia Rural na Amazônia
  • Signpost Series - promoting farmer health and safety for sustainability
  • Boletín ASET agosto 2023
  • Les transformations du travail par l’intelligence artificielle (IA)
  • Programa del 16o Congreso Nacional de Estudios del Trabajo
  • ERSA2023 Full Agenda is out!
  • Agriculteurs et agents de développement agricole dans la tempê te. Les transformations des métiers et des dynamiques socio professionnelles face a ̀ des injonctions contradictoires
  • Signpost Series Webinar: Promoting farmer health and safety for sustainability in Australia & Ireland
  • Programme du congrès de la Self 2023


Call for Papers

  • Revista Ação Ergonômica: um chamado à comunidade Brasileira de Ergonomia
  • Être pluriactif : une approche dans la longue durée
  • Visibilité et invisibilité des migrants au sein des sociétés contemporaines
  • Dynamiques locales et engagements associatifs dans les espaces ruraux et les petites villes
  • Qualité de vie et des conditions de travail
  • Call for Papers for Special Issue
  • Chamada pública para seleção de experiências promotoras de sistemas agroalimentares saudáveis, sustentáveis e justos
  • Calls for contribution to Special issue in Agriculture and Human Values
  • Chamada para Submissões: 22o Congresso Trienal da Associação Internacional de Ergonomia (IEA)
  • Le travail, espace du politique
  • Problematizing Migration: Mobility and Vulnerablization in an Age of Abandonment and Inequalities
  • Santé et malaise en agriculture



  • Medically Attended Suicidality in Youth Who Live on Farms
  • Social reproduction in crisis: Gendered labour regimes in agro‐export sectors in Ecuador and Chile
  • Gender Equality in Colombia
  • How to differentiate peasant classes in capital‐intensive agriculture?
  • [Libro] Estudios de ciencias sociales del trabajo
  • Producers’ transition to alternative food practices in rural China: social mobilization and cultural reconstruction in the formation of alternative economies
  • A spatio-temporal approach to population diversity: mmigration and rural areas in France
  • Good for the soil, but good for the farmer? Addiction and recovery in transitions to regenerative agriculture
  • Agricultural Wages in India: A Critical Review of Data Sources
  • Animal traction in developed countries: The reappropriation of a past practice through agroecological transition
  • Non-Fatal Agricultural Injuries and First Aid Self-Efficacy Among Greenhouse Workers in Turkey
  • Labour exploitation in the Italian agricultural sector: the case of vulnerable migrants in Tuscany
  • Voices from the Field: Brexit, citizenship and agricultural labour
  • The everyday work of farm advisors as interface bureaucrats in greening French agricultural policies
  • Publicación del libro «Mujeres de la tierra»
  • “Cuerpos rotos”, “cuerpos descartables”. Desgaste corporal en los procesos de salud-enfermedad entre los jornaleros y las jornaleras inmigrantes de los enclaves de agricultura intensiva del sur de España
  • Unpacking gender mainstreaming: a critical discourse analysis of agricultural and rural development policy in Myanmar and Nepal
  • Recruiting and integrating international high-skilled migrants – Towards a typology of firms in rural regions in Germany
  • Retailer and grower relationships and the supply chain pressures in English horticulture: The lived experience
  • Memorias del ocaso azucarero. Trayectorias y experiencias de clase en familias trabajadoras del sur tucumano
  • Re-centering labour in local food: local washing and the growing reliance on permanently temporary migrant farmworkers in Nova Scotia
  • The impact of digital presence and use of information technology on business performance of veterinary practices: a case study of Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • The Slow Emergence of Rural Non-farm Sector Employment in India: Shift or Diversification?
  • Attachment and Welfare: How the Parent-Young Interactions Can Influence the Neurobiological Systems Development Needed for Future Good Adaptation and Resilience Capacities
  • African indigenous vegetables, gender, and the political economy of commercialization in Kenya
  • Designing a skills training pathway for the agricultural workforce from the employer perspective: skills micro-credentials from seasonal worker to supervisor
  • An Intelligent Grazing Development Strategy for Unmanned Animal Husbandry in China
  • Social and ethical implications of data and technology use on farms: a qualitative study of Swedish dairy and pig farmers
  • Relating the management difficulty to the abandonment rate of traditional mountain vineyards
  • Simultaneous Decisions to Undertake Off-Farm Work and Straw Return: The Role of Cognitive Ability
  • Beliefs and Social Structure: Determinants of Female Labour Participation in an Ecuadorian Andean Community
  • Constructions of gender in contemporary Australian family farming: A rural financial counsellor perspective
  • Sur le travail insoutenable : ouvrières d’un groupement d’employeurs agricole
  • Stresseurs au travail, épuisement émotionnel et intention de l’agriculteur de quitter précocement sa profession
  • Agricultural mechanisation and gendered labour activities across sectors: Micro‐evidence from multi‐country farm household data
  • The new achikumbe elite: food systems transformation in the context of digital platforms use in agriculture in Malawi
  • Climate, weather and child health in Burkina Faso
  • The agrarian question in dairy farms: An analysis of dairy farms in the European Union countries
  • Factors Influencing Farmers’ Use of Adaptive and Maladaptive Coping Strategies
  • Interrelationships between cows, calves, and humans in cow-calf contact systems—An interview study among Norwegian dairy farmers
  • Associations of Prenatal Agricultural Farm Work with Fetal Overgrowth and Pregnancy Complications in State of Arizona Birth Records
  • The persistence of precarity: youth livelihood struggles and aspirations in the context of truncated agrarian change, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
  • Can I speak to the manager? The gender dynamics of decision-making in Kenyan maize plots
  • Work in progress: power in transformation to postcapitalist work relations in community–supported agriculture
  • Addressing Exoskeleton Implementation Challenges: Case Studies of Non-Acceptance in Agriculture
  • Assessment of green jobs opportunities, gaps and barriers in Ger and Nature tourism in Mongolia
  • Influence of gender on the development of sustainable agriculture in France
  • The Impact of Socialized Agricultural Machinery Services on the Labor Transfer of Maize Growers
  • ¿Qué esconde la articulación con los mercados en la agricultura familiar? Contribuciones en torno a la mano de obra familiar y las estrategias de no mercantilización en la provincia de Santiago del Estero, Argentina
  • Youth's (Un)willingness to work in agriculture sector
  • OECD Employment Outlook 2023
  • Labour and social policies for the green transition
  • L’engagement au travail chez les « petit·es » producteur·ices biologiques
  • La conscience écologique des étudiants de l’élite scolaire face à leurs valeurs du travail
  • Participation au débat sur les pesticides : agriculteurs et salariés agricoles mis en (in)capacité
  • Occupational safety and health in the future of forestry work

Modification date: 24 November 2023 | Publication date: 05 October 2023 | By: Priscila Malanski