tracteur vietnam
Newsletter February - Mars

Newsletter February - Mars

- Vulnérabilité des travailleurs européens - Ensure decent work for key workers - Reducing labour requirement on your sheep farm - ICOH 2024 – Enhancing Occupational Health Research and Practices - Conference for Agricultural Worker Health - One Welfare : dialogue entre l’éthologie et l’ergonomie - Special Issue in Food Policy: Transforming Global Agri-Food Value Chains



  • Connaissance de l'emploi #138 - Quelle vulnérabilité des travailleurs européens face aux conditions de travail dégradées ?
  • Création d’emplois et amélioration de la qualité de vie au travail des éleveurs de bovins
  • Etude sur les formations en lien avec l’évolution des parcours professionnels des chefs d’entreprise agricole
  • Ensure decent work for key workers
  • Farmers challenged to consider their future workplaces
  • Youth entrepreneurship in agribusiness: Country reports
  • Handbook on Measuring Digital Platform Employment and Work
  • Dairy farming offers opportunities for Kiwis
  • Reducing labour requirement on your sheep farm
  • Labour rights as human rights are essential to fight crises
  • Employers’ and workers’ organizations of the palm oil sector join forces to promote bipartite cooperationthrough social dialogues
  • Building a Community: The Gender and Livestock Data Community of Practice


  • Migrations, mobilités, et éthique(s)
  • One Welfare : dialogue entre l’éthologie et l’ergonomie pour comprendre et agir sur la relation homme-animal et le travail
  • Atenção para novo prazo para envio de propostas para os GTs do 10o Encontro
  • (Re)connaître le travail : figures des travailleur·euses de l’Antiquité à nos jours
  • 61o Congresso da SOBER
  • Está disponível o Edital 001/2023 do 10° Encontro Nacional da Rede de Estudos Rurais
  • REPLAY - Transformations in food systems and agrifood value chains: how do work and employment come into play ?
  • 22nd Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association Better Life Ergonomics for Future Humans
  • ICOH 2024 – Enhancing Occupational Health Research and Practices: Closing the gaps!
  • Biosystems Engineering
  • Journées Nature en ville - Institut d'études du travail de Lyon

Call for Papers

  • Segunda Circular 16o Congreso Nacional de Estudios del Trabajo
  • Les temporalités biographiques à l’épreuve des transformations du travail
  • ERSA2023 Call for Abstracts: Extended deadline to 15 March
  • Special Issue in Food Policy: Transforming Global Agri-Food Value Chains


  • Migrants in the economy of European rural and mountain areas. A cross-national investigation of their economic integration
  • Association between pain intensity, neck disability index, and working conditions among women employed in horticulture
  • Agricultural input subsidies, extension services, and farm labour productivity nexus: Evidence from maize farmers in Tanzania
  • Vulnerabilidad y precariedad laboral en el agro argentino. Alcance y particularidades de la registración laboral en el trabajo asalariado
  • Results of pilot trials on greenhouse productivity and working condition with 12 selected farmers in Akkar and the Bekaa
  • Livre blanc de la CNE sur le renouvellement des actifs en élevage (Version 2023)
  • Working Paper 40: Employment options and challenges for rural households in Malawi
  • Thomas Coutrot, Coralie Perez, Redonner du sens au travail. Une aspiration révolutionnaire
  • What symbolises a “good farmer” when it comes to farm animal welfare?
  • Occupational Hazards Faced by Inland Fishers of Odisha State, India
  • CEPAL presenta una selección de estadísticas clave sobre el desarrollo de los países de la región
  • Working and employment conditions in the agriculture sector in Thailand: A survey of migrants working on Thai sugarcane, rubber, oil palm and maize farms
  • Contribution of the forest sector to total employment in national economies - Estimating the number of people employed in the forest sector
  • Lung Health in Farming: A Scoping Review
  • Farmers Supporting Farmers: Livestock Auctions as Spaces to Reconstruct Occupational Community and Counter Mental Health Issues
  • Association Between Ergonomic Burden Assessed Using 20-Item Agricultural Work-Related Ergonomic Risk Questionnaire and Shoulder, Low Back, and Leg Pain in Korean Farmers
  • Gender, women and agriculture in Agriculture and Human Values
  • Farm Safety: A Study of Young Farmers’ Awareness, Attitudes and Behaviors
  • Value addition and farmers: Evidence from coffee in Ethiopia
  • The state of horticulture in Lebanon
  • Intervention Model: For extending social protection to migrant seasonal agricultural workers
  • More is more. Livelihood interventions and child labor in the agricultural sector
  • 2021 third-party monitoring of child labour and forced labour during the cotton harvest in Uzbekistan
  • Unlocking Opportunities for decent job creation in Lebanon's Horticulture sector
  • Stressors and Coping Strategies in Rural Farmers: A Qualitative Study
  • Effects of a warm-up intervention at the workplace on pain, heart rate, work performance and psychological perception among vineyard workers
  • A Cross Sectional Study of Respiratory and Allergy Status in Dairy Workers
  • Well-being at work and Finnish dairy farmers─from job demands and loneliness towards burnout
  • D'une agriculture l'autre - Conflictualités, expérimentations, transmissions

Modification date: 24 November 2023 | Publication date: 07 September 2023 | By: Priscila Malanski