
July 2020




  • Let's Talk Dairy Webinar - Successful farm employment – legal requirements - Teagasc
  • Careers in Dairy Farming - Let's Talk Dairy Webinar - Teagasc       


  • Fatal Agricultural Accidents in Kansas: A Thirty-Nine-Year Follow-Up Study with an Emphasis on Vehicular Fatalities
  • Medidas da OIT e da FAO para amenizar os impactos do coronavírus sobre o trabalho na agricultura
  • Rural youth and the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Working during COVID-19
  • The new hazardous jobs and worker reallocation
  • Évaluation multicritère des performances socio-économiques et environnementales de systèmes viticoles et de scénarios de transition agroécologique
  • Local Food Market Orientation and Labor Intensity 
  • The new contadini : transformative labor in Italian vineyards
  • Employment Dynamics and Linkages in the Rural Economy: Insights from Senegal
  • Gendered Roles in Agrarian Transition: A Study of Lowland Rice Farming in Lao PDR 
  • Employment and Gross Value Added in Agriculture Versus Other Sectors of the European Union Economy
  • FAO framework on ending child labour in agriculture 
  • Connecting Public Policies for Family Farmers and Women’s Empowerment: The Case of the Brazilian Semi-Arid
  • Contrat de travail et performance des exploitations cacaoyères dans le Mbam et Kim au Cameroun 
  • Farm-Related Injuries and Fatalities Involving Children, Youth, and Young Workers during Manure Storage, Handling, and Transport
  • Female Workers and Transformation of Rural Economy into Urban Economy

Modification date: 23 May 2023 | Publication date: 01 August 2020 | By: Priscila Malanski