
August 2020




  • XX ABERGO Virtual 2020
  • XXXIII Congreso Internacional: La Sociología en tiempos de crisis e incertidumbre: Práctica social, nuevos paradigmas y procesos de transformación en América Latina y el Caribe


  • The effect of input-trade liberalization on farm and non-farm labour participation in rural Vietnam
  • Scale and Drivers of Female Agricultural Labor: Evidence from Pakistan
  • Can employment empower women? Female workers in the pineapple sector in Ghana
  • Conservation Agriculture and Integrated Pest Management Practices Improve Yield and Income while Reducing Labor, Pests, Diseases and Chemical Pesticide Use in Smallholder Vegetable Farms in Nepal
  • Operator and Potential Exposure to Hydrogen Sulfide: A Study of the British Columbia Dairy Industry
  • “What a stay-at-home order means for migrant dairy workers” 
  • COVID-19 in Argentine agriculture: global threats, local contradictions and possible responses
  • Food frights: COVID-19 and the specter of hunger
  • Food System Workers are the Unexpected but Under Protected COVID Heroes
  • O que a opinião pública está falando sobre o impacto do coronavírus no trabalho na agricultura?

Modification date: 23 May 2023 | Publication date: 01 September 2020 | By: Priscila Malanski