October 2019

October 2019

Period: 16 - 31 October



  • IAMO Forum 2020
  • The workers' associations movement in the 19th century
  • 16e Conférence internationale sur la gestion des ressources humaines du 2 au 5 juin 2020
  • Les migrations
  • Le 55ème congrès de la SELF - L’activité et ses frontières. Penser et agir sur les transformations de nos sociétés
  • Colloque Farm - Pluriagri : 12 décembre 2019
  • Programa ALAS Lima – Perú


  • ERSA2020: The Call for Special Session proposals is OPEN!
  • 5ème congrès de la Société Internationale d’Ergologie


  • The Politics of Agricultural Development in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region in Iraq (KRI)
  • The Impact of Rural Labor Migration on Elderly Health from the Perspective of Gender Structure: A Case Study in Western China
  • Determinants of adoption of improved sorghum package in agro-pastoral households of Somali Region of Ethiopia: A gender perspective
  • Temporary migration and climate variation in eastern Africa
  • Gender difference in time-use of off-farm employment in rural Sichuan, China
  • Farm and farmer characteristics and off‐farm work: evidence from Algeria
  • The long road to becoming a farmer: Thai agricultural students’ plans
  • Agri-food competitiveness in South East Europe
  • Women's active participation and gender homogeneity: Evidence from the South Indian dairy cooperative sector
  • Coupling Relationship between Agricultural Labor and Agricultural Production Against the Background of Rural
  • Shrinkage: A Case Study of Songnen Plain, China
  • Does certification improve hired labour conditions and wageworker conditions at banana plantations?
  • The Determinants of Income of Rural Women in Bangladesh
  • Support programmes and the diversity of young farmers in Thailand: A good match?
  • Public policy to support young farmers in Thailand
  • Under-employment
  • Dangers potentiels de l’utilisation des insecticides dans la culture cotonnière au Togo de 1990 à 2010
  • Les facteurs de l’adoption de l’anacarde dans le bassin cotonnier de Côte d’Ivoire
  • Les expositions aux risques professionnels - Les contraintes organisationnelles et relationnelles
  • BONUS: Request for Pilot Research Proposals
  • BONUS : Partenariat Hubert Curien franco-australien

Modification date: 23 May 2023 | Publication date: 06 November 2019 | By: Priscila Malanski