Survey 2018/11-12

Survey 2018/11-12

Report 2018/10

Periode: 16 October - 31 December 2018



  • Labour in Horticulture - Teagasc 
  • 8th AIEAA Conference
  • 31st EALE Conference 2019
  • Agri-Food & Rural Tourism Workshop Mayo - Teagasc 
  • National Farm Safety and Health Conference - Teagasc
  • Fábulas tóxicas: el uso de agrotóxicos en el Brasil de la agricultura globalizada
  • Sober - 2019

Call for papers

  • Considering sex and gender in ergonomics: Exploring the "hows" and "whys" 
  • ESRS 2019 
  • Mind Your Head Week - Farm Safety Foundation
  • 31st Annual Conference of the European Association of Labour Economists
  • IAMO Forum 2019 
  • Rural Issues Symposium – The future of rural sociology in Australia 
  • Les espaces difficiles en Méditerranée
  • Dispositifs et initiatives d’installation de personnes en migration dans les campagnes 


  • Analyzing work organization on livestock farm by the Work Assessment Method 
  • Advice and advisory roles about work on farms. A review
  • Gender roles in fisheries post-harvesting activities in catch-locations within Coastal Areas of Lagos State Nigeria
  • The Evolution of Agricultural Health and Safety in the United States 
  • Does conservation agriculture change labour requirements? Evidence of sustainable intensification in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Respiratory symptoms and pulmonary functions before and after pesticide application in cotton farming
  • Livelihood diversification strategies among the Borana pastoral households of Yabello District, Oromia Region, Ethiopia 
  • Enacting peasant moral community economies for sustainable livelihoods: A case of women-led cooperatives in rural Mexico 
  • Smallholder responses to climate anomalies in rural Uganda
  • Getting Skills Right: Brazil 
  • Farmers’ Preventive Behavior Analysis Against Sunlight Using the Health Belief Model: A Study from Iran 
  • Are Kentucky Farmers Prepared for Farm-Related Emergencies? 
  • Prevalence and risk factors of musculoskeletal disorders among farmers involved in manual farm operations 
  • Dairy Sector Consolidation, Scale, Automation and Factor Biased Technical Change: Working through “Get Big or Get Out”.
  • The Local Impacts of Agricultural Subsidies: Evidence from the Canadian Prairies 
  • Development of methodology to document and code farm-related injuries and fatalities involving manure storage, handling and transport - with summary of 2017 incidents 
  • What occupational and physical therapists know about farmers’ health
  •  The association between awkward working posture and low back disorders in farmers: a systematic review
  • Learning and development practitioners: identity, profession and future trajectory
  • Interventions Addressing Injury among Agricultural Workers: A Systematic Review
  • Resourcefulness of locally-oriented social enterprises: Implications for rural community development
  • Racial, ethnic and gender inequities in farmland ownership and farming in the U.S.
  • Influences of labor migration on rural household land transfer: A case study of Sichuan Province, China 
  • Evaluating The Swedish Approach to Motivating Improved Work Safety Conditions on Farms: Insights from Fear Appeals and the Extended Parallel Processing Model 
  • Women's Work? The Relationship between Farmwork and Gender Self‐Perception
  • Measuring labor input on pasture-based dairy farms using a smartphone
  • Parental perceptions of child labour and human rights: A comparative study of rural and urban Ghana
  • Knowledge, attitude and practices of farmers about pesticide use, risks, and wastes; a cross-sectional study (Kermanshah, Iran)
  • The State of Food and Agriculture 2018. Migration, agriculture and rural development
  • Occupational Injuries in Swedish Agriculture: Development and Preventive Actions 
  • Plantation crops, plunder and power – evolution and exploitation 
  • Large private agricultural projects and job creation: From discourse to reality. Case study in Sella Limba, Sierra Leone 
  • Labour commodification, differentiation, and marginalization of the peasantry in Sella Limba (Sierra Leone) from 1950 to the present 
  • Does women’s time in domestic work and agriculture affect women’s and children’s dietary diversity? Evidence from Bangladesh, Nepal, Cambodia, Ghana, and Mozambique 
  • Living at Work and Intra-worker Sociality Among Migrant Farm Workers in Canada
  • Labor Off-Farm Employment and Cropland Abandonment in Rural China: Spatial Distribution and Empirical Analysis 
  • Using the WEAI+ to explore gender equity and agricultural empowerment: Baseline evidence among men and women smallholder farmers in Ghana's Northern Region 
  • Youth employment in agriculture as a solid solution to ending hunger and poverty in Africa 
  • Ending extreme poverty in rural areas 
  • Child labour in herding in rural areas of Swaziland
  • Jobs and Agricultural Policy: Impact of the Common Agricultural Policy on EU Agricultural Employment 
  • Prise en compte du travail dans la production de références en élevage biologique 
  • Quelle prise en compte de la durabilité sociale des exploitations d’élevage dans l’enseignement supérieur agricole ?
  • Comprendre la durabilité sociale des exploitations d’élevage. L’exemple du Livradois-Forez
  • Un outil d'aide au gardiennage associant un GPS et un accéléromètre, qu'en disent les éleveurs ?
  • L’élevage de précision, quels changements dans la relation homme-animal et la représentation de leur métier par les éleveurs ?
  • Accompagner les transformations du travail des agriculteurs, animateurs, enseignants et chercheurs dans le cadre de la transition agroécologique : le projet de recherche action TRANSAE
  • Les conditions de travail dans les élevages : analyse transnationale des approches du conseil 
  • La diversité du contenu du travail des salariés dans les élevages bovins laitiers en Auvergne, France
  • Des agriculteurs sous pression : Une profession en souffrance 
  • TraviBov : un diagnostic et des références pour optimiser le travail
  • Le travail en élevage et ses mutations 
  • Diversité des pratiques et rôle de l’ergonome dans l’intervention
  • Caractéristiques, Dynamiques, et moteurs des migrations rurales au Sénégal : étude de cas des régions de Matam et Kaolack 
  • Les migrations rurales dans la dynamique migratoire sénégalaise La fluidité des mobilités internes en réponse aux contraintes locales
  • Questions de genre et développement durable : le potentiel de l’agroécologie dans le Nordeste du Pará, Brésil
  • Migraciones en América Central Políticas, territorios y actores

Modification date: 23 May 2023 | Publication date: 15 January 2019 | By: Priscila Malanski