tracteur vietnam

Newsletter Mars

Newsletter Mars

Call for Papers: - AECR International Conference: Call for Papers - Revue PISTES : appel à textes - 3R Dernière ligne droite pour déposer votre proposition de communication orale ! - Revista Notas de Población de la CEPAL invita a la presentación de artículos sobre demografía, población y desarrollo, y políticas públicas




- Ending Child Labour in Supply Chains project study visit in Uganda
- Entrevistas taller de especialistas sobre inclusión laboral
- New EU-UN ‘PROTECT’ project supports women migrant workers and children in Southeast Asia
- Confidence in the 16:8 milking interval split
- Ongoing farm labour shortage evident again this spring
- 60ème édition du Salon International de l’Agriculture
- Child Labour Statistics (CHILD database)
- Labour Market-Related SDG Indicators (ILOSDG database)
- Forms of work: An overview of the new statistical standards
- Indonesian palm oil sector improves labour-management cooperation through social dialogue
- Annual profits from forced labour amount to US$ 236 billion, ILO report finds
- Empowering women in agriculture for prosperous future
- Why farmers are a group at risk of developing mental health issues
- La qualité de l'emploi semble se dégrader avec la "féminisation"
- Monographies des exploitations suivies dans le cadre du réseau Thématique Inosys « Systèmes mixtes
granivores herbivores »
- ILO to release new report on the economics of forced labour and illegal profits
- Lanzamiento CEPAL y OIT: bajo crecimiento económico de la región afectó el dinamismo de los mercados
laborales durante 2023
- Measuring empowerment across the value chain: The evolution of the project-level Women’s Empowerment
Index for Market Inclusion (pro-WEAI+MI)
- Réseau thématique Modèles d’Installations Audacieuses : Témoignages installation progressive avec un
partenariat territorial
- ‘Train-the-Trainer’ approach can Improve Farm Safety Culture
- Woman Farmer Capital Investment Scheme
- L’IEA en bref : février 2024
- Action Plan arising from the National Dialogue on Women in Agriculture
- Workshop explores intermediaries’ role in agri-food value chains
- Team approach is the way forward for farm succession
- IFPRI workshop presents policy research on agri-food value chains and farm mechanization in Bangladesh
- El 50,8% de la población de América Latina está en la fuerza de trabajo y se proyecta que a 2050 aumentará al
- Safety with fertiliser spreading
- Make Farm Safety Number One in 2024


- Système alimentaire territorialisé et enjeux de développement dans les Suds
- Journée des doctorant·e·s en sociologie des groupes professionnels
- Webinar de Teorias da Atividade e Intervenção Ergonômica
- Roda de Conversa sobre Ergonomia no Estado de Goiás
- Blog: IFPRI-CGIAR workshop seeks to enhance agrifood value chains and farm mechanization in Bangladesh
- Journée d’étude Activités le 26 septembre 2024
- [Replay] Webinaire "Les conditions de travail en élevage de poules pondeuses en volière : retours d'expérience
de 27 éleveurs"
- Policy seminar: Scaling up the new Women’s Empowerment Metric for National Statistical Systems (WEMNS)
- Séminaire : GT AFSP Polindus “Gouvernement des systèmes productifs” – 14 mars 2024
- Améliorer le travail : défis et stratégies

Call for Papers

- AECR International Conference: Call for Papers
- Revue PISTES : appel à textes
- 3R Dernière ligne droite pour déposer votre proposition de communication orale !
- Revista Notas de Población de la CEPAL invita a la presentación de artículos sobre demografía, población y
desarrollo, y políticas públicas


- Ouvrage "Construire, perdre, retrouver le sens du travail en agriculture"
- Decomposing household income differences between farmers and non‐farmers: Empirical evidence from
- Summary of Roadway Incidents Involving Farm Equipment in Five Midwestern States Using the Fatality
Analysis Reporting System (FARS)
- Killing with care? The potentials at the sustainability/masculinity nexus in an ‘alternative’ Danish
- Ouvrage : Exposition aux pesticides - Ce qu'en disent les sciences humaines et sociales
- Comment les employeurs préviennent-ils les risques professionnels ?
- Contribution of the forest sector to total employment in national economies - Estimating the number of people
employed in the forest sector
- Growing Resilience in Tough Times (GRITT): Development and Randomized Trial of a Farmer Mental Health
Literacy Intervention
- Rural and urban labour markets: Different challenges for promoting decent work
- Rural return migration in the post COVID-19 China: Incentives and barriers
- Who and what gets recognized in digital agriculture: agriculture 4.0 at the intersectionality of (Dis)Ableism,
labor, and recognition justice
- Disponível os Anais do 10° Encontro da Rede de Estudos Rurais
- Development and validation of a health and nutrition module for the project-level Women’s Empowerment in
Agriculture Index (pro-WEAI+HN)
- Gender differences in agricultural productivity in Côte d'Ivoire: Distribution, drivers, and changes over time
- Demeter – a Risk Mitigation Tool for Agriculture Workers
- Retrospective Risk Assessment of Injuries and Fatalities in the Forestry and Logging Workforce in the United
States, 2003-2019
- [ImpaCT.Ar Desafío 58] N°3 El trabajo en las producciones de pera y manzana, provincias de Río Negro y
Neuquén / Patricia Catoira, Walter Nievas, Natalia Zunino y Gabriel Podgornik
- New entrant farming policy as predatory inclusion: (Re)production of the farm through generational renewal
policy programs in Scotland
- “Making sense of rural identities in future horizons of Dutch and German students living in rural areas”

Modification date : 05 April 2024 | Publication date : 04 April 2024 | Redactor : Priscila Malanski